20 Hidden Details In The Original Super Mario Bros That Only Super Fans Noticed

One of the most influential video games of all time, Super Mario Bros. was released back in 1985 for the Famicom and Nintendo Entertainment System. While many regard the game as the beginning of the Nintendo boom, Super Mario Bros. was actually going to be the last cartridge game released on the Famicom, which was moving toward a disk operating system. Of course, the extreme popularity of the game not only reignited interest in cartridge games, but in video gaming as a whole....

May 18, 2022 · 14 min · 2878 words · Mary Gerber

20 Superhero Tv Show Easter Eggs That Didn T Go Anywhere

These days superhero shows come packed with Easter Eggs and references to various comic books and movies. Despite Marvel and DC TV having very different approaches towards their respective worlds, they both ensure that they don’t miss a chance to slip in a good Easter Egg for fans. Arrowverse shows like The Flash, Arrow, Supergirl and Legends of Tomorrow are not set in the world of DC films, meaning that the events of any of the movies like Suicide Squad and Batman v....

May 18, 2022 · 13 min · 2718 words · Lorine Thornberg


社交媒体已经成为人们生活和日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。有些人沉迷于此,以至于他们醒来后做的第一件事就是查看社交媒体动态。 鉴于社交媒体在消费者生活中的重要性,营销商和企业纷纷涌向社交平台,希望与目标客户建立联系。但是,社交媒体上内容繁多,竞争异常激烈。除非你有一套清晰的社交媒体营销策略,否则你很难脱颖而出。 关注最新的社交媒体趋势可以帮助你改进策略,让你在人群中脱颖而出。以下是你在2023年及以后需要注意的八大社交媒体趋势。 点击此处下载完整报告 2023年及以后的社交媒体趋势: 社交媒体趋势之一 - 短内容会越来越受欢迎 短内容指的是只在短时间内显示之后便消失的内容。Instagram和Snapchat的“故事”就是这类内容的完美例子。 如今,人们的注意力跨度很短,他们喜欢消费内容的方式也已经改变。这就是为什么诸如“故事”之类的内容格式变得受欢迎的原因。它们短小精辟,引人入胜,让人上瘾,人们可以花上几个小时滚动浏览一个又一个的故事。 Instagram Stories每日活跃用户的大幅增长就证明了这一点,如下图所示。 营销商已经注意到了这一趋势,并将继续利用这一优势。根据Hootsuite的最新报告,有64%的营销商已经将Instagram故事纳入其策略或计划中。 另一项研究表明,品牌商每四天发布一个故事,再次证明了这一点:这些故事越来越受欢迎。 社交媒体趋势之二 - 小众社交平台将会表现良好 长期以来,Facebook和Instagram一直是社交媒体中最大、最受欢迎的平台。不过,近年来,一些其他的小众社交媒体平台不仅出现了,而且可谓声名鹊起。 例如,TikTok就是这样一个平台,它创办于2016年,成立后立即在年轻人中流行起来。B2B公司更喜欢通过LinkedIn来实施其社交媒体计划,而游戏社区则涌向Twitch。有几个这样的替代性社交媒体平台越来越受欢迎,并将在2023年及以后继续这么做下去。 以下是一些用户或注册账户数量最多的社交媒体平台。 社交媒体趋势之三 - Instagram 将会取消点赞 Instagram是最大的社交网络之一,其实施的任何重大变化都可以塑造社交媒体格局。其中一个重大变化是,Instagram可能会取消帖子的点赞功能。 Instagram最近在Beta测试中测试了此提案,并可能很快将其应用到全球。它给出的逻辑是,点出的赞决定一个人的社会价值,等待这种认可对人们的心理健康有害。 不过,有很多人直接拒绝了这一理由,认为Instagram想要实施这一变革来赚更多的钱。品牌商为网红推广其产品付出了巨额金钱。这些钱没有一分钱花在Instagram上。实际上,网红营销已经变得如此受欢迎,以至于品牌商正逐渐摆脱广告等传统营销方法。 如果Instagram取消了点赞,那么各大品牌商就无法像现在这样容易地衡量其广告活动的直接影响。这可能会鼓励一些品牌商投资Instagram广告,因为他们可以很容易地跟踪这些广告的投资回报率。 如果Instagram成功地取消点赞功能,让更多的营销商转向其广告功能,这可能会改变社交媒体营销。这不仅会影响到网红,还可能会鼓励其他社交网络做出这样的举动。 社交媒体趋势之四 - 社交商务将会扩张 Instagram、Pinterest和Facebook等社交媒体平台一直被各大品牌商用来销售产品。社交商务已经成为品牌商新的零售渠道,而且这种趋势只会越来越强烈。 社交商务正在成为主流零售渠道,与其他媒体(如网站和线下商店)齐头并进。随着越来越多的社交网络推出像“可购物帖子”(Shoppable Posts)这样的Pro-selling功能,这一趋势将进一步加强。 从“可购物帖子”到Instagram Storefronts,社交网络不断演进为零售平台。品牌商和营销商将会利用这些优势,并将社交商务纳入其销售策略中。 社交媒体趋势之五 - 视频内容将占主导地位 视频内容是最吸引人的内容形式之一,很快将主宰社交媒体,盖过所有其他类型的内容而成为赢家。无论是TikTok上流行的短视频,还是YouTube上的故事或长内容,视频都是社交媒体内容的未来。 根据思科的一项研究,到2022年,82%的在线内容将是视频内容。这清楚地表明,利用视频内容在社交媒体领域保持相关性是多么重要。 如果你目前还没有创建视频,那么是时候把它纳入你的内容策略了。在不久的将来,视频将主宰社交媒体,任何没有意识到这一点的人都将面临一段艰难的时期。 你可以在你的社交媒体内容和广告中开始使用“故事”等功能。你也可以将视频添加到你的社交媒体帖子中,即使是在传统上以图片或文本内容为主的平台上也是如此。 技术采用将空前高涨 社交媒体将看到诸如增强现实(AR)和虚拟现实(VR)之类的技术的普及。随着这些平台的发展,用户将需要更好、更吸引人的体验,而这些技术可以实现这一点。 随着社交虚拟现实世界Horizon的推出,Facebook已经朝着这个方向迈出了巨大的步伐。这是一种虚拟世界,人们可以在其中交友、玩游戏和探索。这是社交联系的下一个阶段,很可能是社交媒体的未来。 虽然VR在社交媒体上的应用可能仍处于非常初级的阶段,但AR却不是这样。增强现实滤镜现在已经在Snapchat和Instagram等几家主流平台上使用。这些都是作为一种增强社交媒体上共享的视觉内容的手段而引入的,并且广受欢迎。 网红营销将继续高涨 网红营销并不是一种新趋势,但它会持续一段时间。如今,社交媒体已被网红所主导,他们为了推广品牌而获得巨额报酬。 从两个角度就能看出这一趋势的走向。从社交媒体上网红数量的激增就可以看出这一点。第二个角度是,可以从企业在网红营销上增加营销支出看出。 投资于网红比搞付费广告活动便宜得多,而且效果也不错。此外,网红可以帮助营销商实现各种营销目标,而不仅仅是开发潜在客户。这就是为什么它变得如此受欢迎且越来越强大和粗犷的两个主要原因。 营销商现在不仅仅是与一两个网红合作,而是与整个网络内的小网红、相关网红、小众网红进行合作。这类网红得到了更高的参与度,花费也更少。未来,越来越多的营销商将采用这种策略,与多个名气较小的网红合作,而不是只盯着一个名人。 更多的监管控制和法律审查 虽然社交媒体有很多好处,但近年来也暴露出一些缺点。数据隐私和安全就是两个这样的问题,它们已经成为Facebook等社交网络的头条新闻。 社交媒体很容易被用来收集和滥用任何人的信息。有指控称,某些社交网络甚至将用户数据出售给其他公司。 有鉴于此,社交网络和监管机构将收紧规范,出台更多政策。社交媒体被许多人认为是不安全的,改变这种情况符合每个人的最大利益。因此,准备好面对所有平台的更多监管和限制吧。 更多地采用增强现实技术 增强现实通过添加数字元素和改变事物的实际样子来增强我们的现实。社交媒体平台发现了这种技术有趣的用例,并在最近几年开始采用增强现实。 例如,Instagram就使用增强现实技术来制作众多的照片滤镜。你肯定见过那些可以美颜、加太阳镜或兔耳朵的滤镜吧?这只不过是社交媒体上的增强现实应用。 这一趋势虽然在Instagram和Snapchat上非常流行,但在未来几年将被其他社交媒体平台采用。例如,Facebook在Instagram之前就推出了AR滤镜,但后来才开始流行起来。Facebook也在试验其他AR和VR功能,并将在未来推出更多此类技术的应用。 AR在社交媒体上的应用并不局限于发布有趣帖子和故事的照片滤镜。品牌商还可以利用增强现实技术为顾客提供更好的购物体验。 例如,丝芙兰(Sephora)是一个长期使用增强现实技术(AR)的美容品牌,它允许顾客在购买之前先试妆。虽然这一功能在其移动应用中已经存在了很长时间,但他们最近也在Facebook上推出了这一功能。 现在,用户可以使用增强现实滤镜,通过Facebook Messenger试用丝芙兰产品。这有助于人们做出更好的购买决定,同时也能有一个独特的购物体验。 增强现实技术可以为品牌商提供很多潜在的社交媒体应用。而社交媒体平台不断努力扩展增强现实功能将进一步推动这一趋势。 客户服务将更多地使用社交媒体 传统上,社交媒体是人们通过社交网络联系、分享照片和视频的地方。不过,那些日子已经一去不复返了,现在的社交媒体远不止这些。 它已经成为一个零售平台,一个产品发现平台,现在甚至成为一个客户服务渠道。许多品牌商已经开始认可社交媒体网络作为提供客户服务的平台。 随着品牌开始注意到许多客户试图通过社交媒体与他们接触,这种转变就逐渐发生了。这可能是因为在其他渠道上缺乏回应,或者只是因为这是接触品牌商的更直接方式。 毫无疑问,品牌商开始对这些信息做出回应,并将这些客户导向正确的渠道。 快进几年,想象一下,这种互动的数量定会成倍增长。这不仅仅是一些孤例,因为客户在社交媒体上确是提出其问题或投诉,而品牌商也是做出了回应的。如今,社交媒体平台已成为一个重要的客户服务渠道,足以让各品牌商认可它。 而且,由于无法在其他用户面前处理好客户的问题会产生巨大影响,因此这还是最重要的客户服务渠道之一。因此,品牌商处理好这些客户就显得尤为重要。...

May 18, 2022 · 1 min · 112 words · Helen Knipper

22 Memes That Show The Guardians Of The Galaxy Make No Sense

Imagine that it’s 2008. Iron Man has just launched the Marvel Cinematic Universe, blowing up the box office and heralding the indisputable comeback of Robert Downey, Jr. Also, imagine that you are a Marvel executive in 2008. If you wanted to be fired as fast as possible, you would say, “How about we do a movie set in space starring Andy from Parks and Rec, Vin Diesel as a tree, and a particularly ornery raccoon?...

May 18, 2022 · 15 min · 3066 words · Phyllis Coleman

15 Incredible Disney Couples Only True Fans Knew About

Is there anything quite like an on-set romance? We certainly don’t think so. While we swoon when our faves get together on screen, it seems to double when their actors are a couple off screen. While most of the time it doesn’t end well, at least it’s a nice ride. Nothing, however, is quite as sweet as an on-set Disney romance. For many of the young actors working with the House of Mouse, these are their first real relationships....

May 17, 2022 · 11 min · 2224 words · Tracy Kerfien

15 Mind Blowing Instagram Statistics You Don T Know

The visual nature of Instagram makes it a natural fit for influencer marketing. So, it comes as no surprise when you look at some of the following statistics to see how well influencer marketing and Instagram go together. 15 Mind Blowing Instagram Statistics You Don’t Know: 1. More Than 1 Billion Active Instagram Users Instagram began in 2010. It reached 100 million active users in February 2013 - a number that people considered excellent at the time....

May 17, 2022 · 8 min · 1633 words · Wesley Wheeler

15 Secrets Hidden In The Legend Of Zelda

The Legend of Zelda series has recently hit its thirtieth anniversary. It started with a basic game on the Nintendo Entertainment System, with a little Elf man running around on a field, stabbing enemies with a sword. The series evolved into one of the most acclaimed video game franchises of all time. It is one of Nintendo’s biggest first party properties, a distinction it shares with classic series like Mario and Pokémon....

May 17, 2022 · 18 min · 3653 words · Ruthie Hollar

15 Things That Are Historically Accurate In Red Dead Redemption 2

By now, all serious gamers have likely tried their hand at Red Dead Redemption 2, the much-awaited prequel to the original game of the same name brought to us by Rockstar Games. The game is set in 1889 in the Old West and follows the story of Arthur Morgan, one of the top members of the Van der Linde gang, as he attempts to survive as an outlaw. In the game, players are faced with vengeful bounty hunters, fellow vigilantes, and a whole slew of out-of-the-box characters that make the game great....

May 17, 2022 · 9 min · 1797 words · Daniel Gurrola

15 Times The Golden Globes Got It Right When The Oscars Got It Wrong

There’s certainly no shortage of dubious calls when it comes to the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, that assemblage of foreign journalists who annually hand out the Golden Globe awards. The Tourist, the critically reviled 2010 dud starring Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie, earned a Best Motion Picture (Comedy or Musical) nomination. Pia Zadora nabbed Best New Star honors for 1982’s Butterfly, the same movie that earned her Razzie Awards for Worst New Star and Worst Actress....

May 17, 2022 · 19 min · 3837 words · Christopher Meadows

16 Crazy Things You Didn T Know About Star Trek 2009

With two Star Trek movies in a row - Nemesis and Insurrection - receiving poor box office numbers and poorer reviews, Paramount’s decision to put the franchise on hiatus seemed detrimental. Would fans ever get another film? It seemed very possible that 2002 might be the last year of a Star Trek feature film. A Star Trek movie had been released every two to three years, on average, since 1979. There has never been a shortage of ideas for the franchise - in regards to movies or TV - and in 2005, the President of Paramount (Gail Berman) talked the chief executive of CBS into giving her and her team 18 months to get a concept together for a new movie....

May 17, 2022 · 12 min · 2496 words · Jane Meier

16 Disney Princes Reimagined As Princesses

For a lot of little girls, going to Disney World, dressing up like their favorite princess and meeting them is the dream. For a long time, there weren’t many princes to meet. However, these days, you can find most of the fan-favorite princes arm in arm with their princesses throughout the park. These characters have become heroes and heroines, each an icon in their own right. However, what if a few key details were changed?...

May 17, 2022 · 18 min · 3645 words · Darrin Porter

20 Behind The Scenes Photos That Completely Change Pretty Little Liars

As one of the most popular teen dramas of the modern television era, over seven seasons Pretty Little Liars introduced its large fan base to a long list of outrageous storylines they couldn’t get enough of. On top of that, the show put together a large cast of characters that viewers came to care deeply about, especially as they found themselves in increasingly difficult situations. More often than not a pretty intense series, one of the show’s biggest draws was the hope that in any given episode viewers could find an answer to one of the show’s many mysteries....

May 17, 2022 · 13 min · 2609 words · Mary Reich

21 Things That Make No Sense About Ant Man

Paul Rudd became a welcome addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Scott Lang in Ant-Man. The comedic caper struck a chord with audiences even though a lot of viewers weren’t familiar with the character to start. Ant-Man introduced audiences to Scott, the original Ant-Man Hank Pym (Michael Douglas) and Pym’s daughter Hope (Evangeline Lilly) as they struggled to keep shrinking technology out of the wrong hands. Part Marvel superhero movie and part heist film, Ant-Man gave audiences a look at a very different kind of hero than the one they’d seen so far....

May 17, 2022 · 15 min · 3011 words · Danny Sierra

15 Biggest Differences Between Iron Man In The Movies Comics

Iron Man is the superhero who launched the Marvel Cinematic Universe to greatness. Along the way, Iron Man became the most popular and successful hero of the entire new MCU world. He was charismatic, outgoing, funny, and heroic, and it wasn’t until Captain America: Civil War that he showed anything near to his comic book counterpart. Iron Man has been dead for three years now in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but his legacy lives on....

May 16, 2022 · 10 min · 2010 words · Stephen Edwards

15 Biggest Differences Between Thor In The Movies Comics

Thor has undergone some massive changes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe in his own solo movie franchise. What started as a Shakespearian tragedy in his first movie turned into a critical disaster in his follow-up Thor: Dark World. Then, when Thor: Ragnarok came around, everything looked and felt different, with the movie a quick and fun ride. The changes in the Thor movies to the comics are also just as striking, as the heroes seem like very different people....

May 16, 2022 · 9 min · 1876 words · Geraldine Kreiter

15 Dc Comics Weapons More Powerful Than Thor S Hammer

With Warner Bros. and DC Comics ramping up their cinematic efforts to match Marvel’s line up, comic book titles are reporting their highest profits in decades. It seems fans can’t get enough. We want more superheroes, more crossovers, and an extended universe that is not bound by studio licensing. How long did it take to get Spider-Man in a movie with The Avengers? The buzz blazing up internet forums right now is DC and Marvel crossovers....

May 16, 2022 · 14 min · 2961 words · John Ruiz

15 Secrets Behind Neil Patrick Harris And David Burtka S Relationship

Neil Patrick Harris and celebrity chef, David Burtka, are two celebrity love birds who make just about everyone swoon with their adorable relationship. Harris and Burtka met, married, had children, and remained being just as successful in their similar, yet separate careers in the industry. Burtka and Harris take “family goals” to an all new level with their style, food, and extremely adorable twins, but not everything is as perfect as it may appear in the magazines....

May 16, 2022 · 12 min · 2482 words · Gloria Soden

15 Shows To Watch If You Like Once Upon A Time

With ABC’s Once Upon a Time all wrapped up after the final season aired last year, it’s left a gap in the television networks much like Game of Thrones has. So while the next big thing is being cooked up, this leaves Once Upon a Time fans wanting more. Fortunately, there are many shows with similar premises out there that got started following Once Upon a Time’s success and even beforehand....

May 16, 2022 · 8 min · 1665 words · Miranda Aline

15 Superheroes Villains Whose Capes Are Almost As Powerful As They Are

It used to be an unwritten rule that any and all superheroes… and villains in a lot of cases, were required to wear capes. Capes have been seen less as comics have become more mainstream, which could have something to do with their proclivity in killing their wearers (see The Incredibles or Watchmen for reference on this phenomenon). Despite their objectionable standing in the 21st century fashion industry, most modern comic characters only wear them for specific purposes....

May 16, 2022 · 14 min · 2846 words · Jose White

15 Urban Legends We Want To See In Supernatural

After 200 episodes, it’s a wonder that CW’s Supernatural has any monsters, ghoulies and other things that go bump in the night left to gank. But so many episodes were focused on angels and demons that lots of of fun creatures have merely received brief nods or been ignored entirely. It’s time to revisit the Monster of the Week with some good, old-fashioned Winchester hunting this season, and the best place to find sources for that are in classic urban legends....

May 16, 2022 · 14 min · 2938 words · Richard Chandler