This week Benjamin and Zac are joined by Guilherme Rambo to discuss HomePod launch details, iOS 11.2.5 and new Siri skills, iOS 11.3 beta and changes included, and a new 6.1-inch iPhone rumor.

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  • Benjamin Mayo
  • Zac Hall
  • Guilherme Rambo

Here’s what we discussed in this episode:

  • HomePod launch appears imminent as smart speaker receives FCC approval
  • HomePod will be available to order from Friday, in stores on February 9
  • HomePod will cost £319 in UK and A$499 in Australia, coming to France and Germany next
  • HomePod will launch with peer-to-peer AirPlay, multi-room and stereo coming this year
  • HomePod can play purchased iTunes music, podcasts and stream Beats 1 without Apple Music subscription
  • AppleCare+ for HomePod will cost $39, covers AirPort products
  • iOS 11.2.5 is now available for iPhone and iPad, adds HomePod support and more
  • Apple previews iOS 11.3 with new Animoji, health record integration, Battery status, and more
  • What’s new in iOS 11.1 beta 3? Hands-on with changes and features [Video]
  • Apple releases first iOS 11.3 developer beta for iPhone and iPad
  • macOS 10.13.4 beta 1 now available for Mac
  • macOS 10.13.4 references standalone ‘Podcast app’, currently bundled in iTunes
  • macOS 10.13.4 beta will alert users of 32-bit applications
  • KGI: 6.1-inch LCD iPhone priced between $700-$800 w/ single rear camera, no 3D Touch


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