Supernatural has been on for thirteen seasons and shows no signs of slowing down as it goes into season fourteen. Throughout it’s run, the show has gained a large, very passionate fanbase.

The fandom has grown from just a simple viewership to a sort of community. They attend specific Supernatural conventions and make friendships online.

The actors are very involved with their fans and spend a lot of their freetime making sure that they’re entertained and feeling loved. There are new people joining this intense fanbase with every passing season.

The show has grown big enough that even people who have never seen an episode of the show are probably aware of it through either gifs, memes, or blogs.

From the outside, the show may look a bit weird with all of the crazy monsters and quirky pranks pulled by characters like The Trickster. When people first view the show, they may have certain expectations that aren’t exactly correct.

There are fan couples that may seem like canon romances, bad guys who might actually be good guys, and deceased characters that may not exactly be in the grave.

Whether their misconceptions from commercials, word of mouth, or bits and pieces of the show that people seen online. here are the 20 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About Supernatural.

Angels Are The Good Guys

Throughout history, angels have been considered good. According to a lot of believers, they are on the side of God and light, and watch over people.

It’s easy to guess that the angels on Supernatural would be the good guys, right? Wrong.

The angels on the show are often conflicted and ambiguous. They have even behaved worse than a few of the demons.

Some of the most memorable villains on the show have been angels, such as Metatron and Michael. They aren’t all ethereal saviors who will work to help the human race.

Castiel, who is arguably one of the most pure and heroic angels, has even made poor choices and harmed the “good guys.”

Believing that the angels on Supernatural will all be good is a major misconception.

Castiel Appears In Every Episode

Castiel is one of the most popular characters on Supernatural. He has a big enough fan following that even people who don’t watch the show have seen or heard of him.

When people make the decision to start watching the first episode, many expect him to be one of the first characters they encounter.

While he’s certainly grown to be important to the show, he doesn’t appear in every episode like many new fans anticipate. His first appearance isn’t until season four and he appears at random times throughout the seasons after that.

While he’s considered a main character, a lot of fans have complained that Cas isn’t in the show enough. There have been a few times where his absence has spanned quite a few consecutive episodes, and it’s noticeable.

Demons Are Always Evil

Much like angels are typically known as good in society, demons are considered the bad guys. This is just another concept that Supernatural flips around.

While most of the demons on the show are evil, there a few that have gone good a couple times and have even helped Sam and Dean save the world.

Crowley is one of Supernatural’s most popular characters, and he’s a demon. While he’s certainly done some things wrong, he’s also done a lot right, even if he isn’t always keen on admitting it.

He’s even been called “one of the good guys.”

Meg was also helpful to Team Free Will, despite being a demon. She and Cas even had some romantic tension at one point– nothing like an angel-demon love story to confuse morality.  

Dean And Cas Are A Couple

Destiel is a concept that has been discussed by fans and actors alike since Cas first appeared on the show in season four.

The couple of Dean and Cas has been discussed so much, in fact, that many people who haven’t seen Supernatural assume they are an actual canon couple on the show.

Fan couples can get very intense and tend to have a passionate following. Destiel is big enough that people start the show already anticipating the two’s romantic tension. People just assume there is a gay angel character simply from seeing posts on Tumblr or Twitter.

While there is a major section of the fanbase that believes the two have romantic feelings, the characters have not confessed those feelings on the show directly.

Characters Who Pass Away Don’t Come Back

On most shows, when a character’s life is ended, they stay gone. There is no miraculous resurrection or strange haunting. Supernatural, however, doesn’t follow to those rules. It makes its own.

Despite what people may think during their first viewing of the show, when a character they love passes away, they have a pretty solid chance of coming back.

Dean, Cas, Sam, and more have all been revived, probably more than once.

It doesn’t make each loss of life easy to watch, though. Every time Dean loses Sam, or vice versa, it’s an emotional moment. It does, however, make watching characters go a little easier than on other shows because they may not be gone forever.

God Is In Charge

God is known to be all powerful. It would naturally be assumed that if God is in a television show, he is in charge of everything and steps in to help when he can. On Supernatural, however, that assumption is wrong.

While God is mentioned quite a bit in the show, he isn’t revealed as an actual character until season eleven. By then, he has sat by and let humans perish as Sam and Dean struggle to save the world countless times.

He’s been around for these events, he just hasn’t done anything to help.

Basically, God isn’t what any viewer expected him to be, initially. He honestly isn’t even that critical to the show for most seasons.

Lucifer Is Always Hated

Much like new fans would assume God is the good guy in charge, most people would assume Lucifer is the ultimate evil to defeat.

While he certainly has his evil moments, there have actually been times when he’s worked with the Winchesters, or there has been a greater threat.

He’s even tried to do good deeds, although they usually have ulterior motives. An example of this can be found when he tried to be a good father to his son, Jack. It turns out he was helping plan to end the human race, but there were small moments when he seemed to display some humanity.

While Lucifer is a villian, he isn’t as bad as people assume he will be when they first start the show.

All The Weird Stuff Is From A Gag Reel

One of the most common thoughts among people who have never watched an episode of Supernatural is along the lines of “is this even a real show?”

The writers aren’t afraid to take in in strange, quirky places, leaving some gifs that are hard to explain if you aren’t a viewer.

From dangerous teddy bears to an appearance by the Scooby Doo gang, the show has gone in a lot of unique directions. While the cast is known to be goofy and there’s always a decent gag reel, a lot of the strange lines and moments people see online are from actual episodes.

For a show that’s been on for thirteen seasons, nothing strange is off limits.

It’s Always Scary

Supernatural is known to be a scary show. On IMDb, the genre horror is listed alongside drama and fantasy. However, the show isn’t nearly as scary as people expect.

Some of the episodes are more tragic and heartbreaking than scary, and others are downright comical.

Iconic episodes like “Mystery Spot” and “The French Mistake” make people laugh more than they make people scream.

The earlier seasons are definitely considered more horror-like than the later ones. While there were creepy creatures and jump scares early on, the later seasons deal with bigger arcs and focus on the development of different characters.

Overall, it’s more of a drama with scary moments and a few laughs along the way.

They Only Fight Ghosts

In the earlier seasons of Supernatural, the main villains are ghosts and monsters. People start the show thinking it’s a simple action-drama about two brothers fighting monsters on the road.

These new viewers are in for a shock, however, when Gods and other powerful beings show up later on.

The brothers fight way more than just ghosts and monsters. They face-off against demons, angels, dragons, and even Lucifer himself.

While they continue to face spirits and classic monsters like vampires throughout the season, the show is a lot more complicated than new fans expect.

It’s hard to imagine there could be any more creatures the creators have missed after all these years, but even in season thirteen they found new ways to surprise viewers.

Sam And Dean Always Win

In a lot of shows, the heroes always manage to save the day. Whether it’s at the last minute or a miraculous win, it seems like the good guys always finish strong. On Supernatural, however, that isn’t the case.

Contrary to people’s expectations, there have been a lot of episodes where Sam and Dean lose people they love after doing everything in their power to save them.

Even Castiel, who has actual powers, can’t stop every evil. While they are all certainly powerful fighters and self-sacrifice constantly, they aren’t going to save people every episode.

If anything, this just makes the characters more human and the struggles they endure feel more believable.

Characters won’t always survive, but the Winchesters will always fight their hardest to try and save them. 

The Show Is For Teenage Girls

The CW has a reputation for making shows geared towards teenage girls. Many people mistakenly believe that Supernatural is one of those shows.  

While the network is certainly aiming for younger viewers, the show is for more than just young women.

The show has viewers of all ages, regardless of gender. While a large portion of the fanbase is female, there are plenty of male fans who rave about the Winchesters.

The show has something for everyone. It’s scary, comical, and dramatic, as well as heartbreaking.

Both males and females can get behind a show where two brothers fight monsters and save the world while driving across the country listening to classic rock.

Who wouldn’t want to watch that?

It’s Too Cheesy

Just because a show is on the CW, doesn’t mean it’s cheesy. Unfortunately, a lot of viewers pre-judge a show simply based on what network it is on. Just because Supernatural is on a certain channel, doesn’t mean it isn’t good.

For some reason, there are people who believe that Supernatural has bad actors. This isn’t the case, though.

Many of the actors on the show have had to play multiple different characters.

Misha Collins has played Cas, Jimmy, and Lucifer, Jared has played Sam, Gadreel, and Lucifer, and Jensen has played Dean, a demon version of Dean, and now Michael– and this is just a small example.

While the CGI and storylines on Supernatural were lower quality when the show first started, it has really grown and fans are proud of what they see on their television screens every new episode.

Sam And Dean Are In Love

One of the biggest misconceptions people who don’t watch Supernatural believe is that Sam and Dean are in a romantic relationship.

It’s one of the weirder aspects that fans have to explain to new viewers. A lot of times, non-fans don’t realize that the two are even brothers when they discover the pairing.

While the couple can be found on social media networks like Tumblr and Twitter, it isn’t actually a canon concept on the show.

The fan couple has a very passionate following, big enough to confuse those who have never seen a single episode.

While every fan is entitled to their couple beliefs, Sam and Dean have just been shown to share a close-knit, brotherly bond on the show.  

All Of The Women Perish

Supernatural has received a lot of backlash for the way it treats female characters. Some of that backlash has been so strong that people who don’t want the show mistakenly believe that all female characters on the show eventually perish.

While women do appear less than men and tend to lose their lives, there are a few important female characters who have survived after all these years.

Jody and Donna are two fan-favorite women who were so popular that they nearly had their own all-female spinoff called Wayward Sisters.

While Supernatural could certainly use a few more female characters, or at least stop claiming the lives of so many beloved ones off, not all of the women perish like some people believe.

It’s Boring And Lacks Originality

A lot of people believe that any show that has gone on for a long time tends to lack originality. While Supernatural has been on for over thirteen years, it still has much more to offer.

Sure, there have been a few recycled plots, but the writers still manage to come up with new directions for the characters to go. Just last season, they introduced Lucifer’s half-human son Jack, adding an entirely new dynamic to the show.

People who stopped watching because they thought the show was going on for too long have missed out on a lot of new plot points and exciting new characters who have been introduced.

Supernatural is still going strong.

Despite the show’s decent ratings, some people believe that Supernatural isn’t very popular. For a show that supposedly isn’t well-known, it certainly has a giant online presence.

Most people who don’t watch the show have at least heard it mentioned.

While the show isn’t necessarily “mainstream,” it has a major cult following. It’s a steady performer for the CW and has a very active fandom. While it doesn’t have the largest following in the world, the fans are extremely passionate and loyal.

It’s managed to stay afloat for thirteen seasons, despite people insisting that it was going to end every season.

Because of its presence on Netflix, it just gains more viewers every day.  Supernatural has to be fairly popular to manage that.

It’s Only Watched Because Sam And Dean Are Attractive

Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki are both handsome men, there’s no denying that. Their good-looks tend to cause people to assume that women only watch the show because they are attracted to the leads.

Supernatural, however, is popular because of a lot more than attractive actors.

Just because a large part of the fanbase is female doesn’t mean that they’re only in it to look at Sam and Dean. The monsters are creative, the overall story arcs are compelling, and the acting is impressive.

On top of that, the cast genuinely cares about their fans and takes a lot of time out of their lives to go to conventions.

Why would someone not want to be a part of such a neat fandom? The good looks are just a bonus.

Stop Watching After Season Five

There is a turning point in Supernatural where a lot of fans choose to stop watching the show. Seasons one through five tell a compelling, cohesive story, but after that, some people mistakenly believe that the show is no longer worth watching.

While the show was originally planned to end in season five, there’s a reason why the creators decided to keep going. They had more story to tell.

While the dynamic shifts as a major plot from the earlier season disappears, the following story arcs are entertaining and emotional.

With thirteen seasons and climbing, there has to be something worth continuing for. Fans stick by the show for a reason.

People who stopped watching after season five don’t realize what they’re missing.

It’s Ending Next Season

With thirteen seasons under its belt, many people believe that Supernatural will be ending in season fourteen. It’s rare for a television drama to go on for this long.

However, the show doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon.

The show has continued to be successful, so it’s likely that the show will continue past next season. Showrunner Andrew Dabb has said that he doesn’t believe it’s over yet.

There are still so many different directions the show could go.

The actors have also said they’re on board for as long as Supernatural will have them. This is great news for loyal fans of the show, although with the passionate following that the show has, it could conceivably go on forever.

Can you think of any other things about Supernatural that most people get wrong? Sound off in the comments!