Superhero artifacts and weapons are equally, if not more powerful, than the superhero themselves.

With Avengers: Infinity War on the horizon, fans are wondering what role some of these artifacts and weapons will play– especially against Thanos, who is collecting infinity stones for the Infinity Gauntlet.

Yet, Marvel doesn’t hold the rights to every superhero– or their artifacts. This is why we’ve dug through DC Comics and movies, in conjunction with Marvel Comics and films.

Some artifacts only exist in the comics while others have multiple adaptations depending which timeline they exist in, or if the item was changed because it was too powerful to feature on the big screen.

Artifacts and weapons generally enhance the user’s ability. However, at times, they can even create a superhero. Depending on who created the artifact or weapon in the first place, the user can also adjust the artifact itself.

While it may have been used for good under the guise of a superhero, the same artifact could be turned into a world-destroying tool in the hands of a supervillain. Meanwhile, some artifacts and weapons which were created and intended for evil purposes have even been commissioned and used by superheroes.

Between all these different artifacts and weapons, it’s easy to get confused as to which ones are the more powerful, which is why we’ve put together The 23 Most Powerful Superhero Artifacts Ever, Ranked From Weakest To Strongest.

23. Berserker Staff

The Berserker Staff is a weapon from Asgard, left behind on Earth with a lone Asgardian Berserker. During the 12th century, a party of Asgard’s Berserker Army came to Earth to deal with an incident.

One soldier, however, stayed behind with the Berserker Staff in his possession. His name was Elliot Randolph.

The Berserker Staff fuels the user’s inner hate and rage. Anyone who touches it is immediately given a super burst of energy, fueling their passion and anger.

Humans can’t handle the weapon for long, as the user will likely pass out from exhaustion after just a short battle.

In the episode “Beginning of the End” of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Melinda May wields the Berserker Staff as she takes down a horde of HYDRA super soldiers. On the center of the staff are two words inscribed — Inspire and Rage.

22. Yaka Arrow

Forged by Centaurians on the planet Centauri-IV, the Yaka Arrow takes flight through a series of high-pitch whistle sounds. Yondu Udonta, being a Centaurian himself, became a certified master of the Yaka Arrow.

As seen in Guardians of the Galaxy II when Kraglin attempts to learn how to use it, the Yaka Arrow is difficult to control regarding accuracy and precision.

Yondu often stated that he controlled the arrow with his heart (intuition) rather than his mind, giving him an advantage of proficiency when in combat.

Whistling directs the arrow, allowing it to change speed as well as direction.

This is only in the MCU, though, as the Yaka Arrow in the comics cannot change speed.

The Arrow itself defies gravity, is extremely sharp and can even penetrate the hull of a spaceship. This was done by adding self-propelling and extremely modulated anti-gravitational technology.

21. Winter Soldier’s Prosthetic Arm

Created by HYDRA and attached to Bucky Barnes, the Winter Soldier Prosthetic Arm acts as a cybernetic implant. The bionic arm itself is slightly superior to the strength exhibited through Captain America and likely on even ground with Iron Man’s suit.

Despite its enormous power, the Prosthetic Arm isn’t very flexible.

Nonetheless, Bucky was still able to rip apart Sam Wilson’s EXO-7 Falcon, or simply smash concrete into little chunks by punching it.

However, when encountering Spider-Man, the Winter Soldier found himself at a disadvantage due to youth and flexibility. Only Iron Man was eventually able to defeat the Prosthetic Arm by disintegrating the limb with his Unibeam.

With Avengers: Infinity War only a few weeks away, it should be interesting to see what kind of Prosthetic Arm Shuri has built for Bucky (now known as the White Wolf).

20. Silver Surfboard

As a true one-of-a-kind Superhero artifact owned by the Silver Surfer, the Silver Surfboard is coated or made up of, the same silvery unknown material which covers the Silver Surfer’s body.

Created by Galactus, the Surfboard is mentally linked to the Silver Surfer, moving in response to his thoughts, even when he’s not near or on it.

The Surfboard can be used for transportation, attacking opponents, and is even capable of imprisoning beings for a temporary amount of time.

The board itself cannot be destroyed, although, it has been damaged in the past. But not to the point where the Silver Surfer couldn’t repair (or re-create it). As the Silver Surfboard is perpetually linked to the Silver Surfer. Once it was stolen by Doctor Doom, and it still returned to its master.

19. Vibranium Armor Suit

T’Challa created his original Black Panther Armored Suit seen in Captain America: Civil War. Made of Vibranium, the suit is bulletproof and can take massive amounts of hit damage without harming the wearer.

T’Challa uses the Heart Shaped Herb to enhance is own personal strength, which in turn makes the suit even more durable.

Shuri took T’Challa’s original concept a step further by creating a new Vibranium costume constructed of nanotechnology.

The Armor Suit is contained within a necklace while dormant.

When activated, the nanotechnology forms the suit over T’Challa’s body. Shuri even went one step further by controling the energy absorbed by the Vibranium.

The Suit can store this energy and be released through a powerful radial blast. Energy can be stored through simple hits in combat or through bullets and other high-powered weaponry.

18. Lasso Of Truth

Owned by Wonder Woman, the Lasso of Truth is a magical golden lariat formed from Aphrodite’s girdle. It is indestructible, and the magical properties contained within it were granted by the Goddess herself.

It’s most basic power allows all who are bound within it to obey the commands of its wielder.

Other properties associated with the Lasso of Truth include being able to restore forgotten memories, teleportation, and being able to be reshaped (elasticity). Wonder Woman went on to add additional features such as being able to change costumes by circling the Lasso of Truth around her.

The Lasso of Truth was even used by the Justice League to physically pull planet Earth back into its natural orbit. Its only limitations are in the mind of its user, and with Diana Prince in control, the possibilities associated with the Lasso of Truth are endless.

17. Iron Spider Armor

Created by Tony Stark, the Iron Spider Armor has been worn and used by several individuals. As stated by Spider-Man, “I just wanna say for the record, they haven’t invented a word for how cool this armor is.”

In the comics, the suit has been worn by Peter Parker, Mary Jane Watson, Ceres, and is in the current possession of Aaron Davis.

The Iron Spider Armor contains advanced protein-scale nano-technology, LEP skin display, life support, and is powered by a hybrid optoelectronic computer.

It has multiple Waldoes (mechanical spider-arms) and a Glider Device in addition to the original Web Slingers and Stingers.

The armor also contains a Diamond Nitrile Overcoat, titanium nitrile fabric chest piece, and a mask that can filter through a Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical attack.

16. Trident Of Neptune

Owned and used by Aquaman, the Trident of Neptune is one of the seven Relics of Atlantis. It was forged by the cyclops out of adamantine and Neptune’s own essence.

The Trident of Neptune has the power to command the sea (from tidal waves to whirlpools), control the weather, unleash blasts of lightning, and even alter the appearance and existence of other beings.

The Trident of Neptune can additionally disperse energy in the form of bolts and forcefields. Aquaman also discovered that it serves as an activator for several devices, such as Atlantean craft. The most impressive of this craft would be The Maelstrom transport system, built by his predecessors.

The edge of this multifunctional Trident is sharp enough to damage the hide of Darkseid while also shattering mystical obstructions fabricated by Graves’s apparitions.

15. Dragonfang

The sword known as Dragonfang was originally owned by the Ancient One, who in turn passed it down to Dr. Strange. It was then given to Valkyrie by Dr. Strange. After she fell in battle, the sword was acquired by Lady Sif.

The sword is extremely unique in that it is made from a nearly indestructible tusk of an extradimensional dragon and was originally created and designed by Kahji-Da.

The sword itself is nearly-indestructible.

Other features of Dragonfang include magical absorption, in which the sword absorbs force upon encountering blood. It is also capable of destroying mystical barriers. While paired up with The Defenders, Valkyrie discovered this by destroying an invisible wall.

It should be very interesting to see how, and if,  Lady Sif uses the Dragonfang in the upcoming Avengers: Infinity War movie.

14. Adamantium

Adamantium is a metallic compound consisting of an unknown element found in a meteorite discovered somewhere in Nigeria by William Stryker and Team X. It was used to coat Wolverine’s skeleton and bone claws.

Considered to be virtually-indestructible, Adamantium is immune to all forms of physical damage.

This includes damage from the full-force of the Phoenix force, which destructive powers are considered cosmic.

The only way to damage adamantium is with an Adamantium object that has been superheated, and just happens to collide with a non-superheated Adamantium object, with extreme force.

The Adamantium itself poisoned Wolverine, but through his regenerative abilities, he was able to combat the poison. It wasn’t until much later in Wolverine’s life when his regenerative abilities had weakened, allowing the poison to take control.

13. Vibranium Shield

Owned and used by none other than Captain America, the Vibranium Shield is his second shield. It is composed of four concentric sections, along with an electromagnet brace which connects it to Cap’s forearm.

The Vibranium Shield is virtually indestructible, composed of a unique alloy of Vibranium, steel, and an unknown third component. It was given to Captain America as a gift from Black Panther. Cap has turned the Vibranium Shield into a weapon while maintaining its defensive nature.

It is resistant to penetration, temperature extremes, and the entire electromagnetic spectrum of radiation.

The most incredible feature regarding the Vibranium Shield is that it absorbs massive amounts of kinetic energy from impact, because of the Vibranium in it. Cap has even used the shield as a cushion when dropped from above normal heights.

12. Mjolnir

Focusing on Mjolnir found in the MCU (not the comics), this versatile hammer was wielded by the god of lightning, Thor. “Forged in the heart of a dying star, its power has no equal, as a weapon to destroy or as a tool to build,” says Odin to Thor. “It is a fitting companion for a king.”

Used as a tool to project Thor’s natural abilities, Mjolnir could only be wielded by one deemed as worthy.

As Vision states, “it’s terribly well-balanced.”

Thor could summon Mjolnir to him no matter where he was. As shown in Thor: Ragnarok, this sometimes had an extra destructive quality to it.

Superpowers exhibited through Mjolnir include high-speed flight, density manipulation, regeneration, and energy blast. In the comics, its name means “The Crusher” or “Grinder.”

11. Mother Box

Mother Boxes are immensely powerful devices from the planet Apokolips (ruled by Darkseid and home of Steppenwolf).  There are three Mother Boxes on Earth and Cyborg is literally the third one.

Mother Boxes are manufactured only by a being born either on New Genesis or Apokolips. However, even then, not all are able to create one.

As the unspoken hero in the Justice League movie, Cyborg understands the Mother Boxes better than any other DC superhero. He can even jack himself into them, willing to sacrifice his own sanity and well-being to save Earth.

A Mother Box is a living computer, linking man to god.

The Box is omniscience, along with having omni-knowledge. Other powers include matter and energy manipulation, operating Boom-Tubes, life support, and acting as a source conduit.

10. Model 51 Iron Man Armor

Known also as the Endo-Sym Armor, the version of Model 51 referred to here is the one from Marvel Comics Universe (Earth-616).

Colored silver, blue, red, and black, the Iron Man Armor can reach speeds up to Mach 10 and has biological manipulation capabilities. These include enhanced strength, agility, reflexes, and regeneration in the form of immortality.

On the defensive end, the Model 51 has the capability of absorbing energy (much like Vibranium). It can even absorb cosmic power, cosmic energy, and magic. The offensive systems for the Endo-Sym include repulsor rays, uni-beam, and lasers.

The Repulsor ray is the main weapon the suit, whereas repulsorlift magnet beams are directed and focused by electrostatic lenses.

Another neat feature occurs when Tony gets angry. The blue core and eyes of the armor will turn to the color red and it can even transform into a Hulk-like form.

9. Wand Of Watoomb

Officially known as the Wicked Wands of Watoomb, there are a total of six floating around the universe. Numerous superheroes have obtained at least one Wand of Watoomb, including Dr. Strange, Tony Stark, Wong, and Yondu.

Each Wand of Watoomb is a one-foot long crystalline baton with demonic heads carved on either end. It is an object of near-omnipotent power that is controlled by thoughts from the user.

Its main directive is to enhance, multiply, gather, focus, and redirect mystical energy.

The Wand of Watoomb can be used to block mystical attacks while using absorbed energy to heal the individual wielding it. One can also erect a defensive barrier and open portals to other dimensions. On the offensive side, it can project a damaging energy blast.

8. Star Brand

The Star Brand is essentially a tattoo that grants the bearer infinite power, limited only by their imagination.

The true power of it is beyond comprehension and whoever bears the brand becomes immortal.

There are several versions of the Star Brand featured on different worlds and in various adaptations, always taking on a different form than its previous version. It was first discovered in the New Universe, attached to an individual who went by the name of Old Man.

The Star Brand also gives its user a genius level intellect. Currently, it is attached to Kevin Connor.

Other abilities that have been shown through it include cosmic hearing and vision, holographic projection, and superhuman perception. Powers include being able to destroy planets, along with the normal superhero manifestations.

7. Nega-Bands

The Nega-Bands were created by the Kree and are based on the Quantum Bands. They are designed to use the energies of the Negative Zone and the wielder’s own psionic energies.

Users of the bands are generally given abilities such as flight, increased strength, the ability to absorb and manipulate types of energy, invulnerability to physical attacks, survival in space, cosmic awareness, teleportation, and dimensional travel.

The wearer of the Nega-Bands also no longer has any need for food or water to survive.

Classified as an Omega Class Weapon, the bands have been worn by Captain Marvel, Rick Jones, Photon, Martyr, Khn’nr, Marvel Boy, and Star-Lord.

In the entire universe, there are only four known sets of Nega-Bands to be in existence.

6. White Lantern Ring

Of all of the Lantern Rings, White can overwrite the powers of all the others, making it the most powerful of all the Lantern Rings.

The White Lantern Rings first appeared at the end of the Blackest Night saga, destroying the Black Lantern Rings controlling heroes, while also resurrecting certain heroes and villains that were previously deceased.

The White Rings act as a conduit for the power of the white light of creation.

Powers associated with the White Lantern Ring include force field generation, phasing, invisibility, energy absorption, flight, space warps and wormholes, healing, along with a direct connection to life itself.

Once worn by Hal Jordan, the White Lantern Ring currently resides with Kyle Rayner. Other previous users include Aquaman, Batman, Captain Boomerang, Flash, Green Arrow, Hawkman, Hawk, Hawkgirl, and Martian Manhunter.

5. Eye of Agamotto

Focusing on the Eye of Agamotto featured in the MCU and currently being used by Dr. Strange, this infinity stone contains the power of time within it. The stone was placed within the Eye of Agamotto, with the first Sorcerer Supreme controling its power.

Manipulating time is no joke for a superhero, as Karl Mordo tells Stephen Strange. “Temporal manipulations can create branches in time. Unstable dimensional openings, spacial paradoxes, time loops! You want to get stuck experiencing the same moment over and over again forever, or never having existed at all?”

The Eye of Agamotto allows Dr. Strange to use the Infinity Stone’s power without having to physically touch it.

Eldritch Magic is used to tap into the stone’s power, producing time alteration on grand and small scales.

4. The Helmet Of Fate

The Helmet of Fate was created by the Lord of Order Nabu, along with two other mystical items. These included the Amulet of Anubis and the Cloak of Destiny.

When all three items are worn together, the individual is granted the power of Doctor Fate, the primary agent of the Lords of Order.

According to Black Alice, the Helmet of Fate is “the most powerful magical artifact the world has ever known.” When the user does not wear the Helmet of Fate, they lose a substantial amount of power and knowledge, even if they have the other two mystical items.

The Helmet of Fate is the source of Doctor Fate’s identity. By putting the Helmet of Fate on, it allows the user to be clad in the other garments.

The only exception happens when one who has claimed ownership of the Helmet of Fate prevents it.