3 Types of communities

1. Rural

A rural community is a community where people live geographically very far from each other and have distant houses. To most people, the term Rural creates an image of a place where people have green lands to get into farming or rear cattles but have fewer opportunities to socialize or they might have fewer opportunities to the social exposures of other different facilities. The rural community has small towns but they are neither so developed nor do they have a maximum number of buildings. Even if a person is in sudden need of something to purchase, it would require him to travel quite a long distance to have it. Something which adds to the beauty of rural areas is that it has greenery and people can live far away from the chaos of daily murmurs and have a peaceful life filled with adoring nature and its soothing aroma of it.

2. Urban

Urban area refers to the community where people have geographically close buildings or houses to live. Urban areas have a kind of chaos and people are on the run every day to have something or to achieve their own goals. If we consider the facilities and access to them then urban areas have the latest things to learn and acquire as much as they can. They do even have access to most fine educational institutions and high-rise buildings to initiate the learning facility. People do not need to travel long distances to learn something or to acquire skills. Even if people want to buy something for their daily living they will have them just behind their step door. What urban areas usually don’t have is outdoor space attached to their houses or greenery to spend some quality time with themselves. Still, people try to get a sort of aroma of greenery by having well-decorated planters on their small balconies with green grass mats or a rooftop garden so that they could spend some time when they require peace or are tired of everyday chaos.

3. Suburban 

Suburban is a mixture of rural as well as urban areas. People can reach the greatest facility and when tired of it they can spend some time with nature if needed. It has the same convenience as the city and has the pros of living with mother nature. Suburban areas have a town area and houses are located outside of it. The town area consists of buildings, small retail shops, groceries, restaurants, outlets, businesses, factories, and streets. Most places in the world are moving towards creating suburban areas, since it gives essence to both communities. One of the major cons of living in suburban areas is people can’t do much with their own house or they can’t modify it according to their necessity and likeness. It is because the homeowners association(HOA) sets up a boundary to modify homes up to certain standards. For example, according to your likeness, if you want to have your house painted in an ochre colour, a homeowners association will refuse to accept your request. If a suburban community has some advantages to living in then it has some disadvantages too.

People can live according to their own needs. If a person is more likely to have a quiet environment far from daily ups and downs then the rural area would be best but, on the other hand if a person is more into a busy schedule and loves to be in an active lifestyle then none other than the urban area would be best accordingly. Last but not the least, suburban areas are more for the kind of person who loves to be into schedules and having everyday exposures but along with that wants to add up a soothing moment of peace into their life. Since we all are Homosapiens, we find space according to our needs and moods. Hence, a simple modification of the environment is not possible but getting the essence of these three types of environment for us is possible as there will always be left something for which we will question our current living community and would think of another area that could be better for us. 


It is important to think of all advantages and disadvantages 3 types of communities before deciding to live somewhere or before making housing decisions. one should always consider the decisions over educational facilities, career, daily needs, workspace, more exposures, and most importantly a kind of place which suits the best to our mental peace and self-satisfaction.