If there’s one consistent truth on 30 Rock, it’s that Liz Lemon’s love life is a merciless train wreck. Her relationships with Floyd DeBarber, Dr. Drew Baird and Carol Burnett, a pilot played by Matt Damon, all ended terribly. The most horrific partnership she had with any man was easily Dennis Duffy, an endless nightmare human.

Finally, she ended up with Criss Chros, an unemployed man with a degree in ethnomusicology. If you know Liz Lemon, then you’re probably already asking how in the world she ended up with Criss just based on that sentence.

He’s Known To Wear Turtlenecks

While their first meeting never happens on screen, but it is described in all of its romantic glory. Liz and Criss met in Riverside Park when she stopped to make fun of him for wearing a turtleneck. It’s not the stuff of Shakespearean plays but it’s their story.

The problem is that Liz tends to get fixated on the little details, then turn them into huge problems. If she had any issues with Criss wearing a turtleneck before, he’s likely to offend again. Chronic turtleneck abuse is not something you just walk away from.

Liz Likes The Drama

Despite the fact that Liz claims to like things calm and well ordered, it’s quite obvious that she thrives on the drama. If that wasn’t true, she wouldn’t maintain a job in TV. She also wouldn’t have dated people like Dennis or Drew.

Dealing with Jenna and Tracy all day was an endless exercise in trying to manage chaos, let alone how her previous relationships went. Liz excels in scenarios that are unpredictable and even though Criss is an odd duck, he seems like he’d be too predictable for her. Keeping in mind where the bar is set, he’s probably the most normal guy she’s dated.

No Discernible Goals

Liz is a focused, driven individual. She’s the type of person who has a well-defined goal, then goes after it. Well, in most cases. She’s pretty focused on the show, which is the closest thing she has to success. But she has more goals and direction than Criss does.

He seemingly has no real focus in life, outside of his relationship with Liz. Criss is a law school dropout who sells hot dogs. Once he and Liz adopted kids, he tried out being a receptionist in a dentist’s office but quit to be a stay at home dad. That’s the only point he finds anything close to a calling.


Criss has a degree in ethnomusicology, the study of music from the social and cultural perspective of the people who produce it. He dropped out of law school to pursue that degree. Not that there’s anything wrong with a degree in ethnomusicology, but it is surprising that Liz would be into someone who’s studied that field.

That being said, Liz works in television which isn’t a field that’s going to cure cancer anytime soon so she really isn’t one to judge. That’s never stopped Liz from breaking out the judgmental badger face before, though.

Liz Is One Of The Most Unhealthy People On The Planet

If there are two people who have differing outlooks on being healthy, it’s Criss and Liz. Criss might sell hot dogs for a living but they are at least organic. He looks like he takes good care of himself. At the very least, he doesn’t eat garbage almost non-stop.

Liz Lemon is infamous for dietary habits that will inevitably drive her into an early grave. Simply put, she eats terribly. Even when the Cheesy Blasters she ate give her a round of the “Cheesy Blasters” that kept her in the bathroom all night, she still kept eating them.

Criss Isn’t A Geek

Liz is a hardcore geek in almost every sense of the word. Her particular geek property of choice is Star Wars, something she uses to her advantage when trying to get out of jury duty. Criss, on the other hand, is nowhere near as well versed in the geekish ways. He does try because he loves Liz but it’s definitely not his forte.

This is, again, one of those things that is make-or-break for Liz in a relationship so she probably appreciates his efforts. Still, it’s surprising that Liz was able to look past this in the first place.


In the early stages of their relationship, Criss sold organic hot dogs out of a van he called Vanderbeek. Let that wash over you for a moment. When he and Liz started getting serious about having kids, Criss sold the van to a very nice man on meth who used it in a robbery.

Naturally, that freaked Liz out. The odyssey of Vanderbeek should have been a huge hitch in their relationship but both parties took it as a sign that their relationship was solid. In another era, Liz would have walked away as soon as the van was bought but she hung around. People change.

Liz Has Trouble Trusting Men

Throughout the series, Liz has trouble trusting men, plenty of them for justifiable reasons. As a prime example of this, Dennis should never be trusted in any situation by anyone for any reason. But her issues with men were a big part of why her relationship with Carol Burnett, again a male pilot and not the comedy legend, fell apart.

Criss was able to look past this, though, and help Liz move forward. Regardless, it was surprising that Liz was actually able to grow in this way simply because she’s fought that kind of growth in the past.

Jack Disapproves Of Criss

The mentor/mentee relationship between Jack and Liz is the most defining aspect of the entire series. His goal is to mold her into an unwavering success, the way Don Geiss molded him. The difference is that Don Geiss had much different material to work with.

Jack wanted to be a success in business. Liz didn’t. Still, his approval meant everything to Liz and he did not think highly of Criss. Though Jack did eventually gave Criss conditional approval, which was more than enough for Liz in the end.

The Spelling Of His Name

His name is Criss Chros. That’s pronounced the same as the rap group Kriss Kross. You might think that the spelling of her boyfriend’s name wouldn’t be a big deal but that just means you don’t know Liz Lemon all that well.

It doesn’t take much for Liz to write a person she met on the subway off, let alone the man she’s in love with.  The most surprising thing about their relationship is that Liz was able to get over the hurdle of how Criss spells his name. That alone is a testament to how much she changed over the years.