Understanding personality can help one to discover themselves. It helps to understand what your strengths, weaknesses, desires, and fears are like in a mirror, and when you reflect on these personality traits, you tend to choose the best option. Knowing your personality can be difficult if it is based on people’s judgment or life lessons. However, enneagram tests will help you to know accurately what personality you belong to and what fits you the best according to these personality types. We are here to discuss one personality, enneagram 3. We will go into detail about one wing which is 3 wing 4. 

Enneagram 3 is practical, adaptable, and has a career-driven personality. Enneagram 3 is divided into two categories 3 wings 2 and 3 wings 4. 3w4 are more emotionally connected to themselves, introverts, focused, and career-driven. The 3w4 prefer working to improve themselves professionally as well as personally. Taking into account the entire personality type of 3w4 they can pursue a career in several fields which include:

ArchitectMarketerFinancial AnalystVenture CapitalistPublicistInvestment BankerLawyerPolitician

Let us understand more about the overall personality type in the subsequent sections of the article. But before we dive into the individual wing, let us look at the family root of enneagram 3 to understand the wings better. 

What are the personality traits of enneagram 3?

Enneagram 3 is known to be a personality type who is an achiever. Enneagram 3 people are strongly motivated by work. They are focused, strive for excellence, and perfection, and always work towards achieving their goals. Their ambitious nature keeps them open to multiple opportunities, but they tend to forget themselves when they work. 

One downfall of the personality type is, that they also look for validation through success. They loathe failure, failing is a concept alien to them, and always tend to strive to avoid any kind of failure. The love-seeking validations through their accomplishments and this want to make them great workers, yet self-loathing humans as well. Enneagram three knows how to stand out in the crowd, creating an impression. They ensure that they are always on the run and learn new things. They hate taking breaks, especially if it matters to their personal and professional growth. 

Enneagram 3 in itself has two categories, and both of them are different from each other. How? Let us know about them. 

Wings of enneagram 3

Enneagram 3 had two personality types 3 wings 2 and 3 wings 4. As a child personality of family 3, they have a lot of qualities that are retained for enneagram 3. However, they even have different aspects to them. The different aspects are what separate them into two categories of workspace. To sum up in one sentence, one is outgoing, and the other loves to stay in the office. 

Enneagram 3 wings 2

Enneagram 3 wings two are outgoing personality types. They love being surrounded by people, and are social butterflies of personality type 3. They engage in building networks and relationships with other people. They look forward to social gatherings to make strong bonds that can help them grow professionally. They are career-driven, motivated, and always look forward to entertaining people. This characteristic of wing 2 makes them best suited for jobs like event managers, planning, entertainment, broadcasting, and much more. 

Enneagram 3 wings 4

Enneagram 3 wings 4 are the silent achievers. They are the introverts of personality type 3, and they always look forward to bringing excellence to their work. Enneagram 3w4 is quiet, emotional, strong, focused, and independent people. These traits push them to be more career-driven. One best trait about this personality is they are creative and tend to express their creativity through their work. 3w4 is all about success, it motivates them to work. 3w4 tend to forget themselves in their work, they would love to work any day of the year rather than to sit ideally and enjoy social gatherings. These traits of enneagram 3w4 make them suitable for jobs like lawyer, marketing, finance, and many more. 

Traits of enneagram 3w4

3w4 as discussed are creative introverts, who strive towards excellence in every work they do, and this pushes them to express themselves in several ways. They are great in logistics, they learn things quickly, and are adaptable to the changes in the environment. Some of the traits of enneagram 3w4 are:

Highly Focused on their professional growth. It drives them to be excellent at work, and they ensure that every project is excellently handled by them. 

Emotionally sound, and creative which boosts their expressiveness in the work.

Strong analytical, and problem-solving skills that help them to stay up in the game.

Excellent logistic skills, knowing when to impress people, and how to tackle a certain issue with grace.

Internal thinkers, and analyzers. They tend to make mental plans for every project they do, this helps them to keep a track of the project, keep an eye on the errors, and rectify future problems. 

Restrained and more controlled than other personality types, they do not tend to easily be friends.

Has a fear of failure, and will tend to overanalyze things. 

Seeks validations through accomplishments, sometimes losing themselves in the process. 

Strengths at work

Enneagram 3w4 being career-driven often has several traits that serve them as strength during their work. Some of the top traits that every 3w4 type possesses are:


Ambitious people strive to achieve success and power in every aspect of their professional and personal life, and this motivates enneagram 3w4 to improve their professional stance. Being ambitious toward their work, they always look forward to opportunities where they can showcase their skills, and bring the best outcome. Their desire to accomplish power makes them excellent workers, as they continually tend to improve themselves. Being ambitious thus helps them to achieve success quickly, make plans accordingly, and tackle problems easily. 

A keen eye for details

Enneagram 3w4 has a keen eye for detail. Being career-driven, and focused on their work they tend to keep a check on all the details. They ensure that all the work they complete goes through an expert eye before making the final debut. Their keen eye for detail helps them to understand things easily, they tend to learn things faster and incorporate excellence in their work. A keen eye for detail thus helps them to analyze errors in the work, they also tend to make constructive plans to ensure that all the requirements of the projects are met. It allows them to look for problems in their work, which they can easily rectify during work. 

Having good networking skills

Enneagram 3w4 are introverts, yet they know when they need to communicate with others to improve themselves professionally. They are adaptable to the work environment, and tend to change themselves with the environment they are present. It helps them to build connections with people on a professional level. They also ensure that social gatherings or any outings are effectively utilized for their work. Enneagram 3w4 thus makes excellent networks and ensures that all the networks they make are somehow useful for their professional growth. 


Enneagram 3w4 is pragmatic, that is they are practical in their approach toward work. Being creative they ensure that they effectively communicate their idea through several means to their clients, this makes them excellent influencers. They know when they need to make good impressions, and when they need to lie low in the game. All the plans that are made by enneagram 3w4 revolver around jargon, and they do not believe in beating around the bush. These traits help them to effectively understand the work and remove any emotional attachments from the same. 


Success is their ultimate goal, and being an achiever they make sure to achieve success at any cost. One of the deepest fears in enneagram 3w4 is a failure, and they tend to avoid it at any cost. The fear of failure motivates them to add excellence to their work, which makes them achievers. Enneagram 3w4, are effective analyzers, and planners. They keep all the things in their mind and ensure that every step is accurately followed. 

Weaknesses at work 

Even though enneagram 3w4 is career-driven, sometimes their extreme traits put them in inadvertent conditions. Many might see their weaknesses as strengths at work, yet a lot of them do affect their overall performance. 

Over analyzers

Being focused on their work, and having a great eye for detail, they often tend to overanalyze things. It is okay to analyze things, but over-analyzing things put them in a constant loop of rectifying problems and looking for errors. These errors might not even hold significance in the project, yet they would hold back a project to add perfection to it. Overanalyzing things can thus drive their attention to unnecessary details of the project, and many projects could not be completed at an accurate time. It delays a lot of work, and people often forget what the original solutions were. 

Do not accept failures

Enneagram 3w4 fear failure, they tend to validate themselves through success, and accomplishments. It thus makes them drive a blind eye to the importance of failures. They always believe that failures showcase they are not focused on their work, it is hard for them to accept failure in the workspace. One failure can also make them lose their motivation to work, and they revert to being perfectionists. Enneagram 3w4 cannot accept failures, and even if they make them they tend to deny the same, rather than work on their mistakes. 


Enneagram 3 are introverted, they do not initiate a conversation unless it comes to their professional growth, this trait makes them appear to be overconfident and cold. They are always separated from the workplace, and they do not tend to make internal connections with the team. It robs their emotional connection with the work, making them work only for professional growth.


Failure can make enneagram 3w4 self-doubt themself. It hampers their productivity at work, making them question every plan and decision they make. 

Best jobs for enneagram 3w4


Architects are responsible for ideating designs, planning structures, and overseeing the construction of buildings, residential houses, etc. The prime trait that all architects need to possess is the creativity to plan structures with minute attention to detail and knowledge of the right materials. Enneagram 3w4 is a correct fit for the job as they are detail-oriented, as well as have a hint of creativity in themselves. 

Roles and responsibilities:

Applying architectural knowledge to planning, drawing, and construction of houses. Talking with clients to understand their requirements. Using computer-aided tools for developing prototypes of the plan. Giving detailed specifications of the materials, construction tools, and other necessary elements for construction. Develop conceptual plans and formulate documents according to standards and protocols.  

Average Payscale: $132,450 per year. 


A marketer is responsible for promoting the products in the delegated areas. They attract the target audience using different tactics, such that the reach of the product increases. The job requires focused candidates, who believe in achieving goals. Being a campaign-oriented job, the success rates are essential. Enneagram 3w4 is best suited for the job as they focus on the goals, and strive towards success. They can easily achieve success with their quick-witted and focused nature, giving them the validation they require. 

Roles and responsibilities:

Creates marketing goals based on customers’ requirements, looking after the lead generation.  Researching the market, and developing strategies to curb the competition. Creating a target audience that can benefit from the product.  Developing content, and event specifications for campaigns. Editing social media content, digital marketing, and much more.  

Average Payscale: $67,500 per year (including incentives per product sale)

Financial Analyst

Financial analysts are responsible to guide companies and individuals with expanding money decisions. They work in banks, pension funds, and other possible companies to analyze the stocks, look after bonds, and provide companies with accurate analyses of the business module. The basic skills required by these analysts are high-end research skills, attention to detail, and focus on achieving goals. Enneagram 3w4 are best suited for this position as they possess all the basic qualities required by the position. Their excellent eye for detail, and focus on work make them the best fit for the job. Validation through success is also easy to achieve in the position. 

Roles and responsibilities:

Analyzing the financial data of the company and generating performance data.

Preparing reports, projects, projections, and analysis graphs for the mentioned financial data.

Making a detailed analysis of capital ventures for the upcoming financial year.

Looking after the tax payments, and ensuring all the financial transactions are up to the legal standards.

Making plans that can evaluate profits, and minimize the potential risk of financial liability.

Average Payscale: $85,660 per year

Venture Capitalist

Venture Capitalists are responsible to fund, that provides capital to start-ups, and small businesses, in exchange for an equity stake. The main skill required for this position is a keen eye for detail and an elaborate understanding of the market. Enneagram 3w4 is best suited for the job as they are focused, career-oriented, and know-how to accurately analyze situations to achieve success. The opportunity also provides them a chance to achieve easy success, as every venture will provide them with at least minimal accomplishments.

Find new startups, and discuss with them the financial acquisition, and needs. Look for investment in start-ups and create outreach for the company. Help startups and small businesses with portfolio support, that helps them to recruit team members, conduct fundraising, and other administrative tasks.  Analyzing the potential startup market, and making financial projections, for negotiations.  

Average Payscale: $200,000 per year.

A publicist is responsible to look after the public image of a client. They are responsible for promoting the public image, by incorporating different promotional events for the clients. They work on understanding the research, and working after content establishment for clients, journals, and influencers. An enneagram 3w4 is best suited for the job, as it requires focused venturing and research of the market. It also requires high-end networking skills that can improve the productivity of the company. Enneagram 3w4, have the right eye for networking, making them a perfect fit got the role. 

Developing public relations campaigns for media, public, and financial relations.  Communicate with internal departments to accurately delegate the events.  Editing and updating promotional content, developing brochures, videos, and other required details.  Distributing press releases with generalized announcements.  Discern to the public the promotional campaigns for the client.

Average Payscale: $57,663 per year.

Investment bankers are responsible for providing financial advice to corporations, or the governments. They work in raising money for the clients and issuing stock for generating bonds. They also work in negotiations with rival companies to generate accurate financial and sales strategies. The basic skills required for the job are excellent networking skills, a focused approach toward work, and being goal-oriented. Enneagram 3w4 possesses all the basic qualities required for the work and hence is best suited for the position. 

Conduct industry research for diligence investigations.  Issuing debts, and selling equity to improve the capital of the organization. Look after mergers and facilitates that can lend a hand in improving the capital investments of the company. Analyze the financial budgets, and look after the potential risks that can affect the performance of the organization.  

Average Payscale: $70,000 per year.

Lawyers are responsible for filing cases, collecting evidence, and fighting for justice for clients, based on their requirements. The cases can range from unethical behavior to divorces. They are required to perform in detail research about the case, collect accurate results, and draft legal documents. Lawyers need to be focused on their work and effortlessly stand for justice. Enneagram 3w4 are fit for the job, as they are focused and have a keen eye for details. Their career-driven attitude helps them to stay true to their job, taking just actions. 

Providing legal advice to companies, clients, and organizations based on the different ventures.  Writing contracts, meeting clients, and understanding the cases reported.  Collecting evidence, and looking for accurate analysis for the case to proceed for hearing at the court.  Understanding the law, and keeping up to date with the new law and rules.  Reading the witness statements, and filing several situational documents.  

Average Payscale: $122,960

Politicians are responsible to maintain the interest of the public, maintaining the public policies, and influencing the law. They represent the public interest on different scales and represent the interests of the group they represent. They work on shaping laws and policies, and advocating the views and beliefs of the nation. The traits required for the position include a goal-oriented approach to meet the demands of the public, networking skills, and a focused approach to the rds public interest. Enneagram 3w4 possesses all the qualities, making a test fit for the role. 

Develop policies, and laws in the public interest.  Work with different parties to develop plans for the upliftment of the public. Passing laws that are in the public interest.  Network with different leaders to gain prospects.  

Average Payscale: $159,000

Enneagram 3w4 are achievers. The personality types are inclined toward their career, which pushes them to add excellence to their work. The personalities of the enneagram 3w4 are motivated to work due to their fear of failure. They always look for validations through accomplishments, which makes them fear failure. The key traits of the enneagram 3w4 include attention to detail, focus on work, networking skills, and many more. 

As enneagram 3w4 are knowledgeable and can handle several things with poise, almost every profession suits the personality type. However, a few professions are like a made-in heaven match for them, these include lawyer, finance, business administration, and many more. So, if you are an enneagram 3w4 personality type explore your personality through the information provided and choose the career that resonated the most with you. 

Is enneagram 3w4 suitable for creative jobs like novel writing, and acting?

Yes, enneagram 3w4 is very creative, and they can undertake any job with perfection due to their career-driven attitudes. 

Which job is the best fit for enneagram 3w4?

According to personality traits, enneagram 3w4 is best suited for the job of marketers, and financial analysts. 

How can enneagram 3w4 overcome their basic fears?

The basic fear of enneagram 3w4 is a failure. So, try to overcome the fear by embracing the positive aspects of failure.